
Holiday Cards

     I'm super excited! CardMaker published two of my cards in their special Happy Holidays issue. I can't wait for you to see them! You can download the issue or buy a copy here: http://www.cardmakermagazine.com/shopping.php?mode=current_sip
     I'm still down with a broken leg for another month. All my card making supplies are in storage while our house is being finished and I heal. Thank each of you who has offered prayers and good thoughts on my behalf.
     Happy holiday-card making!


  1. How lovely to find your blog and your creative projects. Just read your story in Guideposts.

  2. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and reading my story in Guideposts and taking the time to leave such a sweet comment.

  3. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and reading my story in Guideposts and taking the time to leave such a sweet comment.


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